Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hey all, so I thought I would share this article from MSNBC highlighting 5 points about the second republican debate. I liked this article particularly because a lot of the feelings I had about the debate were expressed in it.

First point the article talks about is the performance from Fiorina. I thought she appeared as a very strong canidate, and I was pretty pleased with how well she was putting Trump in  his place, speaking of which....

I very much agree with the statement that Trump "... felt like just another candidate.". He was definitely not on his A game here. The first debate, while I absolutely disagree with him on pretty much everything, he dominated his opponents. I'm not talking in terms of him having better ideas, but in overall presentation. But this time around it seems that his extreme enthusiasm wasn't enough to save face. However, he's not out of the race just yet. For his supporters, at least his performance wasn't as bad as Walker's.

Walker is a sinking ship. To be honest, looking back at the debate I don't really remember much about him. I really don't have much to say.

Bush is surprisingly still holding up. I was quite pleased with how he was able to somewhat stand his ground against grand master of slander Trump. And this time around he seemed prepared for the debate. Way better than the first time around.

Kasich is my personal favorite from the debate. He didn't have as much of a flash as Fiorina, but honestly he was the most moderate. It was pretty pleasing to see a republican candidate support gay marriage and the Iran deal. And as a moderate, I greatly appreciate the understanding he seems to hold on those issues despite him having some disagreements about them. It does pain me to know he probably wont get the Republican nomination, but that still wont stop me from hoping he does.

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