Friday, December 11, 2015

Commentary on the U.S. Government Blog #7

I think it's important to make a commentary on the high levels of corruption within our government. More importantly, the legalized corruption that poisons our democracy. Hopefully I haven't had so much brandy that I get carried away.

I think the biggest thing that's hurting us essentially legalized bribery in the form of lobbying. I really frustrates me when our politicians are able to make massive amounts of money and essentially forget about the people they are supposed to work for. What baffles me is that this is in no way considered treason despite everything about this is treasonous. Ignoring the will of the people and not doing whats best for the country all for money should not only be illegal, but have the harshest of penalties.

When it comes to changing our society and joining the rest of the developed world, I believe addressing the gross amount of legalized bribery is essential. We need our leaders to be doing whats best for the people, not their pocket books. And going perfectly with Blog #5, I think this would be the perfect bipartisan position to finally unite the people.

I think what really makes this a bipartisan issue is the fact that a vast majority of politicians, both Republican and Democrat are guilty of working against the interest of the country. Really. this would best be combated by overturning the Citizens United court case that essentially declares corporations and businesses as people.

Although I do agree that there are certain protections corporations and businesses should have, because after all they are owned by individuals with rights just like anyone else. But that does not mean that those corporations should have more influence over the voice of the people. Reasonably, businesses should try to secure whats in their best interest. My family owns a business, so I know this more than anyone. But that doesn't mean that my family's business should be allowed to work against the best interest of the public by lobbying for certain bills to get pasts that only benefit my families business.  That is not a democracy, that is not what we as a society should strive for.

The fact that our politicians are even willing to take money in exchange for favors is disgusting. Even if we were to pass laws to stop lobbying, I would want to clean house and remove those who are guilty from office. They have already shown that they will abuse the system if they know they can get away with it. The only place they should governance over is which side of the mattress to sleep on in their jail cell.

And I'm pretty sure that's not the brandy talking, but who knows.

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