Friday, December 11, 2015

Response to my colleague Blog Post #8

As I was browsing around I came across Matthew's Blog Post about Trump's ridiculous and inaccurate Tweet that I wanted to share with you guys.

Matthew, you really hit the nail on the head with this post. I remember seeing something about this about a week ago but honestly I didn't pay it much attention until now. I find it hilarious just how incorrect he was on this issue, even to the extent that the source he got it from doesn't even exist. Although looking into it further, I discovered that the picture was actually taken from a white supremacist twitter account, which personally only makes this funnier for me.

Although real quick, when you were comparing the Trump data with the FBI data the chart you posted isn't accurate, you need to move the numbers around. At first I was confused but eventually I realized that you had just put numbers in the wrong column.

As far as why he is leading on the Republican platform, I think the simplistic answer is for a lot of those people he's speaking to a part of them that's not only scared of the world around them, but also afraid of the changes in our society as we progress. And them not being able to see whats really going on around them can be explained through conformation bias.

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