Friday, December 11, 2015

My Opinion on the U.S. National Gov. Blog Stage #5

Currently, I have a lot of mixed feelings right now about the U.S. National Government. I think the simple term to describe everything is frustrated. And, as I think a lot of others would agree, there is a lot to be frustrated about.

I think what frustrates me the most the ever growing divide between the Republican and Democratic parties. Which, as a moderate, is increasingly frustrating. The divide is causing the American people to become so polarized that no one is either willing or able to have a conversation and actually discuss other points of view. Where this really causes problems is instead of listening to the plights of fellow individuals, we essentially dehumanize them and call their problems either insignificant and nonexistent. And what really is sad is that in some cases, there are positions in which both Republicans and Democrats can easily come together (such as laws to end legalized bribery, which in my opinion should be treated as treason).

While this isn't really something new in our government, I'm tired of seeing our government continue to keep us divide with the political parties. And rather than trying to come together and reach an agreement on policies, they shut everything down.

Another thing that has been frustrating me has been how the situation in the Middle East has been handled. There is no simple answer, if an answer at all, at what is to be done about everything there. Putting boots on the ground risks more lives in a conflict that I personally believe is "Vietnam Round 2". The bombing runs we've been doing seems to only be radicalizing more people, essentially meaning more people are joining terrorist organizations that we are killing. Of course, as a red blooded American, I'm not a big fan of just doing nothing about what all is happening, but I really don't see a clear cut solution. And I'm tired of the seemingly lack of teamwork in our government about what should be done.

Of course, the same thing can be said about Syrian Refugee Crisis. Two groups of opposing ideas spouting rhetoric that only divides us. Luckily, I think our government is making the right decision to let them in, but I am disappointed that rather than everyone in the government coming together and working a solution that everyone agrees on, everyone is throwing mud at each other. Which only further polarizes the people rather than bringing us together.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record, just giving examples of how our government has failed to unite us. But when we have candidates like Trump who is playing off the increasing divide to fuel his campaign, I think we are beginning to lose our democracy.

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